Temporarily Closing

As many of you know, we are celebrating the birth of another miracle... a baby boy. To bless our family with the time and space to be able to adjust and enjoy those first several days welcoming new life into our family, we have decided to close for 2 weeks. Thank you so much for your patience, your understanding, and your continued support! We love you guys, and can't wait to see everyone in August!!

We will be closed from
Sunday July 21st through Monday August 5th.

We will re-open Tuesday August 6th
at 6:30am


When we say the word “family”,
not everyone has the same thought.  Some of us have families we cherish and adore, some have families that we despise and wish we never knew, and some of us were never given a chance to have a family.  Regardless of your story, or what comes to mind when you hear “family”, we simply want to invite you to be a part of our family.  In the end, no matter where you came from, everyone deserves the right to have a family.  We call our company “Family Grounds” because we believe in treating everyone with the same dignity and respect, regardless of who they are, or where they came from.  From the suppliers, to the customers, to the people who just want to say hi.  
Welcome to the Family.

Who we are...

David and Jennifer, got married in 2010, moved to Florida, met some amazing people, started having too many kids, moved back to NC, met some more amazing people, kept having more kids, day dreamed about creating a space in the city where we could love on people, partnered with a friend, found an old building, broke it all down, built it all back up, learned about coffee, kept having more kids, finished building the space, opened in April of 2023, learned all the things, offended some people, learned some more things, made mistakes, fixed mistakes, made some good decisions, made some bad decisions, drank awesome coffee, met some more amazing people, kept having more kids... and now we are continuing to rock out the dream... the one where we get to make something cool for the city.